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  • Course Fees : 12600.00 14000.00/-
  • Course Duration : 3 MONTHS
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.1000.00

RCADM Course Syllabus (Advanced Digital Marketing) :-

  Chapter No.   Chapter Name   Sub Topic   Sub Topic Name
1 Website & Email 1.1.1 Website Design and Optimization Strategy
1 Website & Email 1.1.2 Image Optimization
1 Website & Email 1.2.1 Choosing Right Template
1 Website & Email 1.2.2 Eye Catching Headline and Description
1 Website & Email 1.2.3 Choose Content and Clear CTA
1 Website & Email 1.2.4 Time to Decide when to send
1 Website & Email 1.2.5 Mobile Optimization
1 Website & Email 1.2.6 Create Email Campaign Using Mailchimp
2 CRM 2.1.1 How to Choose Right CRM as per business needs
2 CRM 2.1.2 CRM Software Overview: Zoho, Salesforce, Keap, Hubspot etc.
3 SEO 3.1.1 How to optimize website for SEO
3 SEO 3.1.2 What are common SEO Techniques
3 SEO 3.1.3 How to optimize your website from different SEO Techniques
3 SEO 3.2.1 How to do keyword research
3 SEO 3.2.2 Tools to identify best keyword for your business
3 SEO 3.2.3 LSI (latent semantic indexing) keyword and Long-Tail keywords
3 SEO 3.3.1 ON Page SEO techniques
3 SEO 3.3.2 Off Page SEO techniques
3 SEO 3.3.3 Backlinks Techniques and types
3 SEO 3.4.1 How to get good result in local SEO
3 SEO 3.4.2 Choose Right Keyword as per Local SEO (location based)
3 SEO 3.4.3 Work on GMB and other local directories
3 SEO 3.5.1 Schema mark-up for websites
3 SEO 3.5.2 Optimizing Page Speed and Site Audit
3 SEO 3.5.3 SEO Focus Content strategy
3 SEO 3.6.1 What is SEM
3 SEO 3.6.2 Different kinds of Paid Marketing
4 Google Analytics 4.1.0 Practical Introduction & Overview of Google Analytics
4 Google Analytics 4.1.1 Submit Sitemap, Manage Robots Files, crawl report in Webmaster
4 Google Analytics 4.1.2 Understanding different kind of report in Webmaster
4 Google Analytics 4.1.3 Indexing, Experiencing, Shopping and Enhancement Report
4 Google Analytics 4.1.3.a How to set up Google Search Console
4 Google Analytics 4.1.4 How to analysis traffic in Google Analytics
4 Google Analytics 4.1.5 Different channels of Google Analytics
4 Google Analytics 4.1.6 How to monitor Real Time traffic in Google Analytics
4 Google Analytics 4.1.7 Basic of GA 4 (Google Analytics 4)
4 Google Analytics 4.2.1 Types of reporting in Google Analytics
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2 Understanding Audience, Acquisition, Behaviour and Conversation report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2.a Practical In-depth Learning of Acquisition Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2.b Practical In-depth Learning of Engagement Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2.c Practical In-depth Learning of Retention Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2.d Practical In-depth Learning of Monetization Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.2.e Practical In-depth Explanation of User and Tech Reports
4 Google Analytics 4.2.3 Understanding Event Analysis and Tracking report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.3.a Practical In-depth Explanation of Events
4 Google Analytics 4.2.4 Understanding GA4 Real time report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.4.a Practical In-depth Explanation of Real Time Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.5 Explore GA4 and creating new Free form Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.5.a Practical In-depth Explanation of Creating Free Form Report
4 Google Analytics 4.2.6 Checking Insights and Performance in GA4
4 Google Analytics 4.2.7 User behaviour and demographic report in GA4
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.1.0(a) Practical Explanation of Setting up Google Ads
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.1.0(b) Practical Explanation of Google Ads and Difference Between SEO & PPC
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.1.0(c) Full Practical Walkthrough of Google Ads
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.1.1 Understand Google Ads Auction
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.1.2 How to Improve Ad Rank for High Quality impressions and clicks
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.2.1 Choosing right keyword for your business
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.2.2 Adjust keyword on match type - broad match, exact match etc..
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.2.3 Bid Strategy for search keywords
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.2.4 Portfolio Bid Strategy
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.3.1 Engaging with Responsive Search Ads (RSA)
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.3.2 Enhance Ads with Extension to improve clicks
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.3.3 Try Automated bidding
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.3.4 Maximize Clicks Bidding to improve Clicks
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.4.1 Automatic Scheduling for campaign
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.4.2 Tricks for improving Ad Score/optimization score
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.4.3 Optimize Budget with Performance Planner
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.4.4 App promotion campaigns (Mobile Platform Ads)
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.4.5 Discovery campaigns & Demand Gen campaigns
5 Google Ads & PPC 5.5.1 Billing - payment methods and settings for ads
6 Social Media Marketing 6.1.1 Building a Content Creation Framework
6 Social Media Marketing 6.1.2 How to Write Effective Taglines, Ad Copies CTA etc. for your business
6 Social Media Marketing 6.2.1 Scheduling and time management for social media content
6 Social Media Marketing 6.2.2 How to create catchy headline for your content on social media
6 Social Media Marketing 6.2.3 How to improve engagement and followers on social media
6 Social Media Marketing 6.3.1 Using of Hash Tags, Description, trending tags
6 Social Media Marketing 6.3.2 Title Research and Thumbnail CTA Idea
6 Social Media Marketing 6.3.3 Understanding YouTube Analytics
6 Social Media Marketing 6.3.4 Promoting YouTube Video Using Google Ads
6 Social Media Marketing 6.4.1 Posting time, using of tags in short video
6 Social Media Marketing 6.4.2 Promoting Shorts using Meta Ads and Google Ads
6 Social Media Marketing 6.5.1 Competitor analysis and creating brand on Instagram
6 Social Media Marketing 6.5.2 How to increase followers on Instagram using paid media
6 Social Media Marketing 6.6.1 Understanding sponsored content , Dynamic Ads, Lead form on LinkedIn Marketing
6 Social Media Marketing 6.6.2 Running your campaign and optimize on LinkedIn Ads
6 Social Media Marketing 6.7.1 Understanding which Social Media channel best fit for your business
6 Social Media Marketing 6.7.2 Creating followers base on your social media account
6 Social Media Marketing 6.7.3 Posting schedule and divide budget on social media channels
6 Social Media Marketing 6.7.4 AB Testing on various social media channels for better results
6 Social Media Marketing 6.7.5 Generating Leads and traffic using social media
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.1.1 Optimize your ecommerce store
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.1.2 Content marketing for your ecommerce website
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.1.3 Retargeting for your ecommerce
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.1.4 Understanding user funnel for better conversion
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.1.5 Social Media posting rules for your E-commerce business
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.2.1 What is Live Shopping and how to use it
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.2.2 Live Shopping Ideas
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.2.3 How to create Live Content for social media
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.3.1 Setup affiliate accounts and commission for your business
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.3.2 How to pitch affiliate for your business
7 Ecommerce Marketing 7.3.3 Become on Affiliate on Ecommerce Website and Earn Commission
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.1 Paid marketing roles in ORM (Online Reputation Management)
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.2 Optimizing GMB (Google My Business) and local listing for better ORM
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.3 Difference between ORM & PR
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.4 Customer Sentiment Analysis - Negativity analysis
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.5 Crisis management - how to respond during a crisis or controversy
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.1.6 Review portal importance - Quora /reddit.com /MouthShut.com & Glassdoor.com
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.2.1 What is influencer marketing
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.2.2 How to find good influencer for your business
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.2.3 Convenience and closing deals with influencer
8 Influencer Marketing & ORM 8.2.4 Budget and target audience for influencer marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.1.1 What is Mobile Marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.1.2 How to promote your app on social media
9 Latest Trends 9.1.3 How to increase install of your android/iOS apps
9 Latest Trends 9.10.1 Programmatic Advertising
9 Latest Trends 9.11.1 Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising solutions
9 Latest Trends 9.2.1 How to setup Chatbot's on your app and website
9 Latest Trends 9.2.2 How chatbot's works
9 Latest Trends 9.2.3 How to automated your order processing with chatbot's
9 Latest Trends 9.3.1 What is Voice Search
9 Latest Trends 9.3.2 How to optimize voice search for your website or business
9 Latest Trends 9.3.3 Voice search schema implementation
9 Latest Trends 9.3.4 Writing voice search optimizing content
9 Latest Trends 9.4.1 Role of AI in digital marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.4.1.A Use of AI for content writing & email marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.4.1.B Use of AI for SEO
9 Latest Trends 9.4.1.C Use of AI and voice search for ecommerce
9 Latest Trends 9.4.2 Creating content calendar using AI
9 Latest Trends 9.4.3 How to increase RoI and engagement using AI tools
9 Latest Trends 9.4.4 Best AI tools for your business in digital marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.5.1 How AR works
9 Latest Trends 9.5.2 What are the roles of AR technology in your ecommerce business
9 Latest Trends 9.6.1 What is Geo-Fencing marketing
9 Latest Trends 9.6.2 Understand the need of Geo-fencing marketing for your business
9 Latest Trends 9.6.3 How to promote your business on local search/near me
9 Latest Trends 9.7.1 OTT App advertising
9 Latest Trends 9.8.1 Sympaphonic Ads
9 Latest Trends 9.9.1 Extended Reality (XR)
10 Projects 10.1.1 Understand the need of digital marketing for your project
10 Projects 10.1.1.A Case Study - Need for Digital Marketing
10 Projects 10.1.2 Run Site Audit for your website
10 Projects 10.1.2.A Case Study - Site Audit run
10 Projects 10.1.2.B Case Study - Practical Site Audit
10 Projects 10.1.3 Finding right category to promote your business
10 Projects 10.1.3.A Case Study - Right Category Choose
10 Projects 10.1.4 Setup and decide budget for your project
10 Projects 10.1.4.A Case Study - Budget Setting