Welcome to Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education

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  • Course Fees : 2100.00 2800.00/-
  • Course Duration : 2 MONTHS
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.500.00

Details on English Typing Syllabus-

  • Chapter:1- English Typing Basics
  • Chapter:2- Home Row Practice
  • Chapter:3- Top and Bottom Row Keys
  • Chapter:4- Common Words and Sentences
  • Chapter:5- Numeric Keypad
  • Chapter:6- Special Characters and Symbols
  • Chapter:7- Increasing Speed and Accuracy
  • Chapter:8- Review and Final Assessments
  • Chapter:9- Additional Considerations

Hindi Typing Course Syllabus Module Includes-


  • Module-1: Overview of Hindi Language
  • Module-2: Basic Hindi Typing Skills
  • Module-3: Introduction to Hindi Keyboard
  • Module-4: Typing Fundamentals
  • Module-5: Alphabets and Consonants
  • Module-6: Vowels and Matras
  • Module-7: Word Formation
  • Module-8: Sentence Construction
  • Module-9: Speed Building Techniques
  • Module-10: Accuracy Improvement
  • Module-11: Complex Sentences
  • Module-12: Special Characters & Symbols
  • Module-13: Transcription Practice
  • Module-14: Data Entry Practice
  • Module-15: Hindi Typing Software
  • Module-16: Real-world Scenarios
  • Module-17: Speed and Accuracy Test
  • Module-18: Project Submission
  • Module-19: Certification