Welcome to Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education

WELCOME TO GICE (Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education)



  • Course Fees : 15500.00 0.00/-
  • Course Duration : 2 YEAR
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.1000.00

MBA syllabus includes all key topics of business management such as Marketing, HR management, business planning, finance management, principles of management, business laws, communication skills, entrepreneurship, business communication, computer application, organisational behaviour, taxation, retail management, ..

Master Of Business Administration

Sem I

Sem II


Sem VI

Program Fee

Rs. 13,000/-

Rs. 13,000/-

Rs. 13,000/-

Rs. 13,000/-

Examination Fee

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Semester Total

Rs. 14,500/-

Rs. 14,500/-

Rs. 14,500/-

Rs. 14,500/-

Total Fee

Rs. 59,000/-

The MBA course eligibility isA graduate degree under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern under any discipline, securing at least 50% marks in aggregate, from a recognized university. Students currently in their final year of graduation can also apply. In that case, the admission offered will be provisional.