Welcome to Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education

WELCOME TO GICE (Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education)



  • Course Fees : 12000.00 0.00/-
  • Course Duration : 3 YEAR
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.1000.00

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, or Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration is a bachelor's degree in business administration awarded by colleges and universities after completion of four years and typically 120 credits of undergraduate study in the ...


Bachelor Of Business Administration

Sem I

Sem II


Sem VI

Sem V

Sem VI

Program Fee

Rs. 8,500/-

Rs. 8,500/-

Rs. 8,500/-

Rs. 8,500/-

Rs. 8,500/-

Rs. 8,500/-

Examination Fee

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 1,500/-

Semester Total

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 10,000/-

Total Fee

Rs. 61,000/-



Students who have successfully completed the 12th standard in any stream can pursue BBA. The applicant must have scored a minimum of 50% marks in their board examination. Those who are awaiting their 12th result can also apply. The applicant should be aged between 17 and 22 years.