Welcome to Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education

WELCOME TO GICE (Gyan Institutes Of Computer Education)



  • Course Fees : 3350.00 4200.00/-
  • Course Duration : 3 MONTHS
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.1200.00

RS-CIT Introduction


RS-CIT (Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology) has been recognized by Dept. of Information Technology and Communication (DoIT&C), Govt. of Rajasthan to propagate IT Literacy among the people of Rajasthan.

In order to bridge the Digital Divide, RKCL has launched an IT friendly course for the people of Rajasthan. RS-CIT is a high quality and low cost IT literacy program which offers a novel curriculum, excellent study material and learning management system in both local Hindi language and English. A state-of-the-art delivery mechanism leads to State University governed Examination and Certification.


Course Objective


To empower citizens with fundamental understanding of Information Technology (I.T.) at affordable cost, acquiring essential skills to begin computing with confidence, be more productive at home and work and able to explore career opportunities globally.

Eligibility :  Anyone who is literate & has keen desire to learn Computer & Information Technology

Course Duration : 3 Months or 132 Hours (2 hours per day 1 Hour Practical and 1 Hour Theory)

RS-CIT Course Fee : Rs 3350 /- only per candidate, however for eligible Govt. Employees, the course fee is Rs 2700/- only per candidate.
RS-CIT Certification: RS-CIT Examination and Certification by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU), Kota.

Course Medium : Hindi & English


Course Syllabus


Chapter No. Chapter Name.
1 (Introduction to Computers)
2 (Computer System)
3 (Exploring your Computer)
4 (Introduction to Internet)
5 (Digital Payment and Platforms)
6 (Internet Applications)
7 (Digital Services for Citizens of Rajasthan)
8 (Accessing Citizen Service in Rajasthan)
9 (Exploring Common Citizen Centric Services)
10 (Working with Mobile Devices/Smartphones)
11 (Microsoft Word)
12 (Microsoft Excel)
13 (Microsoft Powerpoint)
14 (Cyber Security)
15 (Managing your Computer)
16 (Getting More from your Computer)

RS-CIT Syllabus Click here


Study Material


One comprehensive printed book (Hindi or English) per candidate.


Training Pedagogy


  • Active Learning Student centric learning model
  • Simulation Based Learning Lab Work (ILT) using LMS
  • Collaborative learning and Periodic Assessment
  • Encouraging students to utilize acquired skills in useful projects


Learning With LMS (ilearn)


RS-CIT registered student logs in RKCLs proprietary MYLMS application using user id and password as provided by our ITGK


A sample dashboard under Student login is shown below a student has to explore and complete both Content & Assessment.

A sample content page for a chapter is shown below

Content topics and sub topics are shown in a seamless way with voice over as displayed below

Once a learner completes Content, he/she can proceed to Assessment section

A typical assessment type which a learner has to attempt is shown below

To check the assessment score, a learner can click on Score link as shown below